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Our Lady of Lourdes  Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Growing together in faith, hope and courage, we inspire each other, learning to continue Christ’s Mission.

St.Bernadette - Reception

Welcome to Summer Term!


I hope this message finds you and your family well. As we transition into the summer term, I wanted to extend a warm welcome to each of you and express my excitement for the upcoming months ahead.


Summer term is always a special time at Our Lady of Lourdes. It's a time for exploration, growth, and creating lasting memories. We are committed to providing your child with enriching experiences that will inspire curiosity and foster their love for learning. Throughout the summer, we have planned a variety of engaging activities and educational opportunities designed to keep your child stimulated and challenged.


Communication is key, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have. We value your partnership and are here to support you every step of the way.


Thank you, 

Miss Clarke

Summer has arrived!

The sun finally came out and we spent most of the day playing outside! We got really tired but still didn't want to go inside so we decided to make up some beds. We used out new loose parts construction materials and made sure to added some pillows so it was comfy! 

Don't forget to put sunscreen on before school! 

Today Nursery and Reception went on a school trip to Ruislip! We were lucky enough to ride in the train to go around the lake! We had so much fun looking at the forest around us and waving to people walk past. 

When we got to the beach, we played in the pirate ship and built sandcastles for hours! 

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to look after a small group of children. We couldn't have done it with out you!

Friday Funday!

Friday is always our favourite day of the week. On Fridays, we have lunch with our Year 6 buddies, and in the afternoon, they come and read to us! Today, we also played outside despite the gloomy weather. We created new obstacle courses, made princess chairs, and tested out our new chalkboard wall!

Can you do our obstacle course?

This week we worked on our Physical development. We wanted to test our balance and made our own obstacle course! We took turns having a go and got creative with how we walk across the plank. 

Getting Creative!

We have a lot of cardboard boxes that we thought we could transform into some really cool designs. Our ideas included a submarine, a rocket and an icecream truck! We drew a plan for our design today and will start painting them next week. Stay tuned! 

Happy Father's Day!

Today, we come together to celebrate and honor the incredible fathers and father figures in our lives. Father’s Day is a special occasion to recognise the love, support, and guidance that they provide. 


Reception has worked so hard to produce the assembly that they did today and we are so proud of their accomplishments. Thank you for all your the effort put into practicing lines and being ready for the big day! 

Playing Together!

In our classroom, playtime is more than just an opportunity for kids to have fun—it's a dynamic, hands-on learning experience that helps build essential skills. When children engage in play together, they aren't just passing time; they're laying the groundwork for social, cognitive, and emotional growth.

Today we came to school dressed up as what we want to be when were are older. We had careers such as firefighters, police men and women, doctors and teachers. We loved hearing about each others careers and learning about new ones! 

Soft Start Writing


Every morning when we come into the classroom, we start by writing sentences. Using images from our book, "The Gruffalo," we've been crafting sentences like "I can see a Gruffalo" and "I can see a butterfly." We've learned so much from this activity and can't wait to do more next week!

Feast of The Ascension

Last week we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. To help us understand this special time, we created a timeline of The Ascension. We learnt that Jesus died on the cross, he then resurrected and visited his disciples for 40 days. When those 40 days were over, he ascended to Heaven to be with God, his Father.

Chalk Writing!

We enjoy being outdoors and using chalk to practice our writing! We also enjoy drawing pictures to complement our writing. This week, we concentrated on writing our names!

Welcome to our Spring Term!


My name is Ms. Clarke and I am so excited to be teaching your children this year. We are already having a great start to the term and we can't wait to learn new things. 


Looking forward to meeting all of you throughout the year. 

Thank you, 

Ms. Clarke 

Working Together in Reception!

In Reception, we been working together to create objects from Mobilo, decorate Easter eggs and even learning to spell each others names. We have been learning to listen to each others ideas and build upon them to create some really fantastic things! 

We love writing!

This week we have started writing instructions on how to grow a big beautiful flower! We have been using words from our English text to help us. We love writing and can't wait to finish it next week!

We wanted to express our gratitude for your enthusiastic participation in our Mother's Day Breakfast event at the Early Years Foundation Stage. Your presence truly made the morning special and created a lovely atmosphere for everyone involved. The smiles, laughter, and shared moments between parents, guardians, and our little ones were heart-warming. Once again, thank you for coming and for being such an integral part of our community.

How to Grow a Big Beautiful Tree!

In English, we have been learning about a procedural text. We followed the instructions from our example text to plant some seeds. To help us to start writing our own instructions, we drew a picture and wrote some words that will make us think about what we are writing. We can't wait to start writing next week!

100 Days of School!

Today we celebrated 100 days of school! To make this a day to remember, we invited all reception students to come to school dress up as an 100 year old! We had so much fun seeing everyone's costumes and were very impressed with the effort that was put into them. We have learnt so much throughout the 100 days and cannot wait to learn even more! 

Phonics Play!

Sentence Accuracy!

We have had so much fun this week pretending to be teachers! We used our phonics resources to teach each other about our special friends. We are using our Fred talk strategy to help us to read words. 


Maths Week

In English this week we have been using sentences from our focus text "Star in the Jar" by Sam Hay and Sarah Massini, to work on using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops to form sentences. We love practicing our sentence writing! 


In Religion this week, we have been learning about how Jesus cared for others. We used role play to act out Jesus blessing the children and listened to the miracle story of Jesus feeding 5000 people. These stories tell us to be kind and share what we have with others. 

This week we have been learning all about the numbers between 0 and 5. We have learnt how to represent each number and their order. We practiced hanging up the washing which helped us to develop our fine motor skills. 


Throughout our first week back at school, we have been learning about space. We loved building rocket ships, pretending to be astronauts and talking about all the places we would visit if we had a rocket! 



Hello all and a massive Welcome to Reception!


My name is Mr. Beavis and I am going to be the class teacher of Reception this year. Alongside me we will be joined by Ms John and Mr Reid. We are delighted to welcome all the children to school to continue making learning a fun and enjoyable experience that can be used both inside and outside of the classroom. We look forward to a productive and rewarding school term.


Please see our recommended reading list attached below and remember reading is the best gift we can ever give a child!


Mr Beavis, Ms John & Mr Reid

Today we have had the exciting job of decorating some cakes for the Christmas Fair. The children really enjoyed doing this activity and were asking all afternoon when they could eat them.

On Thursday the children in Nursery and Reception performed their Nativity show Baarmy Bethlehem. The children all did so fantastic and made their parents very proud. Later in the afternoon we had a fantastic party with games and party snacks.

Christmas Jumper Day

Reception are really getting into the festive spirit and loved celebrating Christmas Jumper day. It was even more special that they were able to attend a lovely service by Father Tony at the Church. The children are all now feeling very excited for Christmas.

Capital letters, finger spaces & full stops

This week Reception have been introduced to sentences. We are learning the crucial ingredients to a great sentence. We know you need a capital letter at the start, finger spaces after each word and full stops at the end. Please ask us our actions that help us remember.

This week in Reception we have been looking at ways we can make 5. We have been using ladybirds and their dots to help us count each part we can use to make our whole of 5.

Reception have had a fantastic day celebrating the Hindu holiday of Diwali. It has been really insightful for the children to explore other faiths and especially look at how they celebrate these. The children have enjoyed making their own diya lamps, practising henna on hand shapes and making rangoli patterns.

Remembrance Day

This week we have made some Poppy art to honour all of the brave people who fought for us in the First World War. After watching a fantastic assembly by Year 2, we spent some time looking at what Remembrance day is. We have recognised how we should be grateful for being here today and are very thankful for everything those soldiers did for us.


This week Reception have been looking at fireworks. We have explored the journey they take from the ground into the sky. We have looked at the different sounds, colours and smells they make. Here are some activities we have done alongside this.

African Drumming

All the pupils were very fortunate to take part in an African Drumming session this week. The pupils learnt some fun facts about African Drumming and got to enjoy using these drums. The children were all fantastic and listened so well to our guests. A message they reminded the children to remember was to "ROCK ON!"

Black History Month

We have continued learning about Shirley Bassey this week. The children have been voting which song of hers is their favourite. Diamonds Are Forever won. Please enjoy our dance poses to this fantastic song.

This week we have been looking at the story of The Gingerbread Man, which meant of course we had to make some gingerbread men! The children worked really hard mixing the mixture and rolling/cutting the dough. We spent some time decorating them and ended up having lots leftover. We decided to be excellent stewards and offer them around to all the staff at Our Lady of Lourdes to brighten peoples days.


We also celebrated Spanish Day whilst making our Gingerbread men, we learnt how to say please and thank you. Please ask us what these are!

Black History Month

Reception have been celebrating the fantastic work of Shirley Bassey over the past week. We have all been really enjoying her music. The children have been able to recall some fun facts about her and even have a boogey to her songs. Here is some of our cotton bud paintings we have done to celebrate Black History Month. 

Reception have been working hard at practising writing some CVC words this week. They have used all their fantastic phonics skills to segment and blend words. Please have a look at some of the words we have written.

This week we have been looking at the story Cinderella. The children have been really enjoying this story, especially because we have got to do some bubble panting to resemble her cleaning. Please look at some of the fantastic pieces we produced.

I am thankful for...

In Reception we have been looking at what we are thankful for. The children very bravely stated some things they were thankful for. Some comments mentioned family, friends, toys and even our houses. A lovely thoughtful lesson from Reception.

Same same same!

In Maths this week, Reception have been looking at spotting matching items. We have enjoyed playing matching games together and even got a little competitive playing snap. Well done team!

Making new friends

Last week our Reception class got to meet their new Year 6 buddies who are going to be helping our Receptions settle in. The Year 6 pupils were all very patient and caring towards our Reception class and everyone had a lovely time. We are all really looking forward to meeting every week on a Friday.

Growing and Changing

On Wednesday Reception began to understand what it means to grow and change. We looked at some new vocabulary which the children loved to learn. To understand this we have planted some harvest vegetables that may hopefully start growing very soon. The class were able to talk about the size of the seeds and even use their new vocabulary to explain how this may change.

Reception have been working super hard in class; learning all of our new school rules. We have managed to do lots of fun activities and even sing some songs. The children have been working really hard on making sure we are kind to everyone and always have good manners.