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Our Lady of Lourdes  Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Growing together in faith, hope and courage, we inspire each other, learning to continue Christ’s Mission.

Safeguarding & Online Safety



Our Lady of Lourdes continues to treat safeguarding as high priority and aim to ensure the safety, health and well-being of all children, staff and visitors.

The Single Central Record (SCR) is a document maintained by the school to demonstrate that staff have undergone appropriate recruitment and police checks. The SCR  is updated as and when new staff are recruited and when they leave the school. Governors, volunteers and regular visitors to the school are also recorded on the SCR. Visitors to the school are required to sign in at the main reception area and are issued with a visitors badge and safeguarding information leaflet


Visitors who do not have appropriate DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) clearance will never be granted sole access to children.

All staff are aware that they must discuss any concerns regarding Child Protection/Safeguarding even if the issue seems ‘low level’.  Where there is information causing sufficient concern, the matter is discussed between the Designated leads, Head teacher, Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion Leader,  to decide if other agencies such as Social Services should be informed.  The school follows Social Care advice with regards to referrals and information sharing.


Child Protection training is provided regularly for existing staff and forms part of the induction process for all newly appointed staff. The Designated Lead attends termly briefings and forums organised by the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) to receive up to date information about child protection and safeguarding.


For more support on Online Safety, please click on the link below.