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Our Lady of Lourdes  Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Growing together in faith, hope and courage, we inspire each other, learning to continue Christ’s Mission.

St. Peter - Year 1

Welcome to the Summer Term!


This term will be all about consolidating what we have learnt in Year 1 and getting ourselves ready for Year 2!

We have come so far this year and we are very proud of all the progress made by the children in Year 1. "You rock!"


We are looking forward to an amazing term!


Mr. Coranti and Miss Duncan

Week Beginning 15th July 2024


The last full week in Year 1 before going to Year 2! 


On Tuesday in PE, Year 1 had relay races. The competition was huge and they loved it. They will miss Coach Tim and we all hope he enjoys his new adventure away from our school.


On Tuesday in Art, Year 1 drew their favourite part of the book we worked on: 'The Last Wolf'. I must say there are a few artists in Year 1 that are amazing drawers. Please keep that up!


We also congratulated our Euro's winner Carlos, who luckily picked Spain and got a little treat from Miss Duncan! Congratulations Carlos and Spain!


On Thursday, 2 brave students recited their poems for the whole school! Well done to both Caedan and Bellissa!


Today Friday, we had Transition Day and Year 1 spent their morning in their future classroom with their future teachers Miss Dennis and Miss John!

You are in good hands and you know that for anything, absolutely anything, myself and Miss Duncan will be next door.


We are going to miss you dearly and we wish you the best of the years in Year 2!



Miss Duncan and Mister Coranti


Week Beginning 8th July 2024


On Wednesday in D&T, Year 1 built castles out of Lego. They were put into 3 different groups and they worked together.


Today, Year 1 had a great day. We had a pizza + popcorn + juice + movie afternoon and the children loved it! This was a well-deserved treat for an outstanding year of hard work and good behaviour. We are all very grateful for the treat that we were given.



Have a nice weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 1st July 2024


On Tuesday for Poetry Week, we welcomed an author to our class and we worked in groups. We created different poems and then recited them for the rest of the class.


On Wednesday in D&T, we decorated our ideal houses. Some roofs may need repairing because of the recent wet and windy start of July that we are experiencing.


On Thursday in English, we roleplayed. The purpose of this unit is to create our own recipe for a very hungry bear. We went over time adverbs and imperative verbs and explained step by step the instructions to make a delicious sandwich.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone and do not forget to keep reading!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 24th June 2024


On Wednesday in D&T, Year 1 created their ideal houses using different boxes. We added doors, windows and all sorts of features. The next step will be to colour them.


On Thursday in Maths, we learnt about ordinal numbers. After completing our tasks, we went outside and had some races. We had to keep and eye to check who was first, second, third, fourth or fifth.


Throughout the week in English, we have been creating a wonderful story similar to 'The Last Wolf', but instead of a wolf, Little Red was trying to hunt a bear. The planning and the writing has improved massively and on Monday we will finish our last paragraph of our story.


Keep reading at home and enjoy your weekend Year 1!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 17th June 2024


On Tuesday in PE, Year 1 were practising hockey, javelin and ball throwing.


On Wednesday in Science, we focused on seashore animals and plants and children had to classify them into different sections. It was tricky because there were some jungle animals among them.


On Thursday in Geography, we consolidated urban and rural places, physical and human features, and then we went on a scavenger hunt all around the school grounds.


Have a lovely weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 10th June 2024


Another productive week Year 1!


Well done to everyone for trying your best on Sports Day!!

Apart from the "Flintstones" sack race that seemed a bit crafty, you did so well on the rest of the races. Apologies for the state of the sacks, we will have proper sacks next time.


In Maths, we gave instructions on how to get to 'Pablo Picasso the Penguin'. E.g. Quarter turn to your right/left, take a step forward/backward...


In Music, we have been dancing and some of the moves were epic!


Keep reading at home and enjoy your weekend Year 1!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 3rd June 2024


On Tuesday in Art, the children started to plan their ideal house in their sketch books. This time, they only sketched the outside of their ideal house. Next week we will focus on the inside. Thank you all for bringing the boxes for our final project.


On Wednesday in ICT, we used the iPads to play different musical instruments and even recorded our voices while singing. 


Today Friday, we had lots of fun playing tennis and they even gave us juice at the end of the session! 

Also in Maths, we went outside and consolidated grouping and sharing using hoops and cones.


Wonderful week Year 1! Keep reading at home and enjoy your weekend!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 20th May 2024


Careers Week has been amazing!

We have had lots of visitors everyday and learnt loads from them.


On Tuesday, we painted our 'Living Thing Sculptures'. They are going to be exhibited in the Louvre in Paris for few weeks and then they will return them to us.


On Wednesday for Numeracy Day, we drew ourselves in a job where we would be working with numbers and uploaded them to take part in a competition across the country.


Today, we have consolidated arrays, we worked with cubes and arranged them into different rows and columns and answered some questions.


Have a great week off Year 1, read everyday and go over the 2, 5 and 10 timetables.


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 13th May 2024


On Wednesday in Science, Year 1 went on a 'Minibeasts Hunt' to the KS1 Playground. We observed many invertebrates and their features. We looked at their antenna, thorax, abdomen, the amount of legs or wings... And then we created a fact file about our favourite minibeast.


On Wednesday in Art, we used clay to create a 'Living Thing Sculpture'. We used our hands to mould and give shape to our animal or plant. Once they are dry and ready to paint, we will give them some colour.


Wonderful week Year 1! Keep up your hard work!


Enjoy your weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 6th May 2024


On Wednesday, Year 1 went to Anson Primary School for a Singing Festival. We performed beautifully and the audience really loved our song. We took the London bus and behaved very well.


On Thursday in History, we sorted 'Old Toys' and 'New Toys'. Thank you parents and guardians for sharing and letting us know what your favourite toys were when your were younger.


On Friday in English, we finished writing the Penguin Problem of our character.


Keep reading and have a nice weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 29th April 2024


On Tuesday in PE, Year 1 raced against each other in groups. They had to get more cones than their rivals.


On Wednesday and Friday in Maths, we divided the class into different sections:

-Measuring objects in centimetres.

-Measuring the mass of objects in cubes.

-Ordering containers from greatest capacity to smallest capacity.

-Predicting and testing which glass/container had more volume using a bigger jug to show the evidence/proof.


Keep up your hard work because it is paying off!


Have a nice weekend!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 22nd April 2024


On Tuesday in Maths, we started measuring objects in our classroom using rulers. Then we played an Interactive Game in the Whiteboard and it got trickier as we went into decimals.


On Thursday in Science, we classified animals into different categories: Vertebrates/Invertebrates, Arctic Animals/Safari Animals, Carnivores/Herbivores/Omnivores and Fish/Birds/Insects/Mammals/Reptiles/Amphibians. It was good fun!


Well done to all for delivering a fantastic Class Assembly!

We are very proud of you!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 15th April 2024


On Wednesday in Art, we made a Basque flag from scrunched up tissue paper. We have been practising our Class Assembly and we are almost ready for our performance!


Today Friday, we have been measuring different objects in the classroom using cubes. The children were challenged to measure larger objects including tables, the length of the carpet or even our peers.


They have begun their summer term with a positive attitude. Keep it up!


Have a fantastic weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti

Welcome to Year 1!


My name is Mr. Coranti and I will be working alongside Miss Duncan.


We are delighted to welcome all the children to school to make learning fun and enjoyable. We are very excited about the year ahead and we are looking forward to seeing children thrive and being the best that they can be.


The class page will be updated weekly with photos of their learning.


If you require any further information or assistance, please feel free to contact me.


Mr. Coranti and Miss Duncan

Week Beginning 25th March 2024


On Monday in RE, we learnt about what happiness is and means to us.


On Wednesday in Science, we planted the seeds of different flowers in our recycled yoghurt containers. Children know that they will need sunlight and water in order to grow. Hopefully we can see the results soon.


Also on Wednesday, Year 1 went on the Easter Egg hunt. Sadly it was raining and it had to be done in the Hall. They had so much fun and even won a treat for being one of the classes that worked best as a group.


Enjoy your Easter Holidays, make sure you log into Google Classroom for Maths, do the handwriting sheets and read every day.


Have a wonderful break everyone!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 18th March 2024


On Tuesday, children worked on their psychomotor skills in PE and they loved it.


On Wednesday in Maths, we had a practical lesson where we had to use cubes to create base 10 and represent the given number. It got pretty competitive! We know that it is easier to count in tens rather than in ones when the amount of objects is quite high. Then we add the remaining, if there is any.

Also, the whole school had a Shakespeare Workshop and each of the classes had rehearsed a part of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' for the rest of the school. The result was fantastic and the children enjoyed it.


Today, we have enjoyed Golden Time, just because we deserved it so much!


Keep up your hard work Year 1, read every day and also do some Math.


Have a nice weekend!!


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 11th March 2024


On Wednesday, we role-played the characters of The Last Supper: Jesus and His 12 disciples (including Judas) and talked about their feelings.


On Thursday, we went to Kew Gardens and had a wonderful time and a lovely treat after completing the assessments.


Today Friday, we finished writing our own version of the story 'Where The Wild Things Are' and shared it with our peers. The reading is getting better each week.


Have a wonderful week everyone!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 4th March 2024


This week 3 of Spring 2 has been an amazing and exciting week due to World Book Day and our Theme Day.


On Wednesday, we took our crocodile hand puppets from our trays and in pairs, we delivered a puppet show. Each one of them had different scenarios.


On Thursday, we had so much fun because World Book Day was full of amazing activities!! Your child will take a surprise home.


Today Friday, we have come to school in the Union Jack colours. We went on a Scavenger Hunt to find different symbols and landmarks of the 4 countries that form the United Kingdom and played a game. We coloured their flags and had a Kahoot competition too. We really enjoyed it!

We also had a surprise from Miss Duncan in the afternoon.wink


Keep reading at home and have a look at the Math documents on Google Classroom to consolidate our learning. You can also treat your child with Hit The Button.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 26th February 2024


On Wednesday, we finished our crocodile/dragon hand puppets. Our next Art lesson will be linked to Drama and we will act out our own stories.


Today Friday, we produced some great writing of our own version of 'Where The Wild Things Are'. Then we shared with our peers.


Apart from that, it is sensational to see so many great spelling results, the amount of tens and nines is getting bigger.


Keep up your hard work, have a look at this week's Maths on Google Classroom, read every day and enjoy your weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 19th February 2024


Well done to everyone for the amazing work you have produced this week!


On Wednesday, we had a Virtual Reality workshop about Math. The children loved it! 

In Art, we started our crocodile/dragon hand puppets. We need to add the reptile features to them and then we are ready to make up a show of our own!! It will be fun!


On Thursday, we consolidated our time knowledge. We now know how to tell the time to the hour and to the half hour. You can test your child at home if you have a clock.


And finally today Friday, we finished our 'Celebrations' topic of Science. The second group went to the kitchen and wrote the steps to make a veggie sandwich using sequencing adverbs and imperative verbs. Then we obviously had to eat them!


Keep up your hard work at home and we will see you back on Monday!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 5th February 2024


The last week before a very well-deserved break!!


On Wednesday in Science, half of Year 1 class used the kitchen and made wraps. The second group will have their kitchen slot after we come back from Half-Term.


Throughout the week, we have been focusing on 2 times tables and finding the difference between two numbers. We also played 'Hit The Button'.


On Friday in RSHE, we looked at how to keep a perfect smile.


You will find Half-Term homework on Google Classroom.


Have a wonderful break Year 1!


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 29th January 2024


On Wednesday in Art, we used tissue paper to provide colour to our landscapes.


On Thursday in History, we learnt about homes from Medieval, Tudor, Georgian and  Victorian times. We have seen the evolution of houses, from thatched roofs to very modern architecture. 


Today Friday in Music, we played the xylophone in the Art Room and sang our song. We also had Golden Time and a bit of extra playtime.


Have a look at Maths on Google Classroom, read every day for about 15 minutes and do your handwriting sheets please. 


Have a nice weekend everyone!! See you back on Monday!!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 22nd January 2024


On Tuesday in PE, Year 1 had fun doing gymnastics. Everyone was so enthusiastic and did a great job.


On Wednesday in Science, we learnt that if you put an opaque object in between a source of light and a surface, it will create a shadow. 


On Thursday and Friday in Maths, we learnt about time. We worked on how to tell the time to the hour and to the half an hour (half past-o'clock).


Have a nice weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 15th January

Maths Week


This week we have celebrated Maths week.


We had fun on Wednesday, in our Maths Scavenger Hunt in the KS1 Playground. 


On Thursday, we made Origami hearts. We transformed a 2D square into a 3D heart. It was a bit tricky to follow the steps but we made it.


Have some well-deserved rest, keep reading and make sure you do your handwriting sheet.


Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti and Miss Duncan




Week Beginning 8th January 2024


We have begun the year full of energy and the work ethic has impressed the adults in our class.


In Maths, we have been learning about place value within 20. We have started writing the numbers in words and spotting patterns in ten frames, beads or any objects.


In RE, we learnt about The Presentation of Baby Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem. We discovered some important prophets and even acted out the story. It was fun!


In History, we looked at different types of houses and their features. We will need to know this in order to compare them with homes of the past.


Great start Year 1! Keep up your hard work!!

Have a nice weekend!!


Mr. Coranti


Dear Year 1 Parents/Guardians,


We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and rested well.

Welcome back to a brand new year filled with excitement, growth, and learning!

Wishing you all a fantastic start to the Spring Term!


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Warm regards,


Mr. Coranti


Week Beginning 18th December 2023


Last week before the Christmas Holidays! It has been a long term but we made it!


We finally painted our castles, we enjoyed Christmas related activities and even had a little treat on Wednesday before the Christmas Fayre!


ENJOY your Christmas Holidays and get some well-deserved rest!!

Keep reading please!



Por muchos años más a vuestro lado.


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 11th December 2023


This has been a very demanding but rewarding week for all, so we all deserve to have a  rest this weekend.


On Wednesday in Geography, we looked at how weather can affect different jobs, and then we acted them out. They loved it.


On Thursday, we delivered a fantastic Nativity Performance in front of all parents and guardians, and I hope you all enjoyed it! Well done to you all Year 1 and Year 2! We are very proud of you!


Today Friday, the school surprised the students with a Pantomime about Jack and the Beanstalk. It was great fun!


Reminder: Bring your child in their PE kit on Monday, as we have swapped our PE day.


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 

We are almost there!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning the 4th December 2023


On Monday, in Science we went on a scavenger hunt. We were looking for camouflaged Arctic animals in the playground and in the classroom. Ask your child which animal was the hardest to find and why. 


On Tuesday, in PE we practised our catching skills.


On Friday, in PSHE we learnt about manners and how to ask for things that do not belong to us.


Reminder: Year 1 will have PE on Monday instead of on Tuesday.


Have a wonderful weekend!


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 27th November 2023


On Monday, Year 1 finished colouring the decorations for our doors. We have been very busy practising for our Nativity. If your child needs to bring a costume, please start bringing them from Monday.


On Wednesday, we learnt what Imperative Verbs are and their purpose. Ask your child to give you some examples.


On Thursday, we finished our Maths unit and we completed our assessment. 


Please, keep reading and complete your handwriting sheet.


Have a nice weekend everyone!!!


Mr. Coranti




Week Beginning 20th November 2023


On Monday, Year 1 received a letter from the Royal Family. One of the guards had lost his hat somewhere around our school. He just gave us the first instruction, so we went on a Scavenger Hunt. The remaining set of instructions were tricky to find, but eventually, we found out that the guard's hat was inside our cupboard. 

We have got really good at sequencing words.


On Tuesday and Wednesday, we worked on part-whole models and mainly subtraction.

Try to challenge your child by asking them to give you the eight fact-families of a part-whole model.


This coming Thursday, 30th November, there will be no Morning Reading due to the Year 4 Class Assembly.


Have a good weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti




Week Beginning 13th November 2023


On Monday, we began to build our castles using recycled materials such as cereal boxes, toilet rolls and kitchen rolls. They have not been finished yet because in our next lesson, we will paint and decorate them.

Teamwork was key, and they all did a great job.


On Wednesday, we celebrated our Topic Day - Kings and Queens Day. We decorated our crowns with jewels and wore them throughout the day at school. 


Today Friday, we have been working on our handwriting. It is getting better but there is still work to do.


Please remember to bring your Reading Records every single day and make sure you have 3 entries by the end of the week. 


Keep learning your Nativity lines too and revise Maths (Google Classroom).


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 6th November 2023


Another busy week in Year 1.


On Monday, we consolidated our knowledge on part-whole models. We even became human counters and worked out the number sentences as a team.


On Wednesday, we took a bit of time from our busy timetable to assemble poppies for the Assembly on Friday. We also learnt the reason why we wear these flowers in November.


Today Friday, after a fantastic week of working with adjectives to describe London's landmarks from 'The Queen's Hat' book using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, we recalled the Queen's full journey in her attempt to retrieve her hat (Sadly it started raining, so we had to do it indoors).


Here are some photos of our marvelous week.


Next week, Wednesday 15th November 2023, it will be Year 1's Topic Day (Kings and Queens - Monarchs). You can send your child to school dressed as Kings or Queens. Initially it was going to be on Tuesday because it is the birthday of King Charles III, but it is our PE day.


Have a good weekend everyone.


Mr. Coranti


Week Beginning 30th October 2023


On Wednesday, we learned some important features of Judaism and God's creation of the world. We also acted out what God created. It was fun because we had to guess what day of the creation it was.


On Friday, we used cubes to systematically solve number bonds to 5. It was not easy at first, but we are all confident now. We also started a new song in Music for this coming term.


Have a nice weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti and Miss Duncan

Week Beginning 16th October 2023


On Monday, we learnt about Rosa Parks. Thanks to her and many courageous people like her, big steps for equality were taken. We linked our learning to Art and History, where we drew a detailed drawing about what happened in that bus and also we completed a Rosa Parks Timeline.


On Tuesday, we went on our trip to Hello Fresh Gardens. We learnt about composting, we met an American chef, we saw many different herbs and plants and we even got an amazing lunch box full of goodies.


On Thursday, we had an African Drumming Workshop and the children loved it!


Enjoy your half-term Year 1 and make sure you learn your Nativity lines!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 9th October 2023


It has been another busy but fruitful week for Year 1.


On Monday, we looked at a fabulous British singer for Black History Month: Emeli Sande'. We linked our work to Art, we drew her playing the piano and we listened to some of her best songs.


On Wednesday, we had a Well-being workshop and the children were taught different techniques to calm themselves down whenever they may feel anxious, angry or simply frustrated.

The state of being comfortable, healthy or happy is VERY important.


On Thursday, we celebrated Spanish Day. The children came to school dressed with the Spanish flag colours. They had chicken and churros for lunch, we learnt about the Spanish Royal Family and then we completed some linked activities.


Have a nice weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti 

Black History Month

Walter Tull


Year 1 are learning about the inspirational story of Walter Tull.


Walter was only the second black player in football league history when he played for Tottenham Hotspur in 1909. Supporters of the opposing team often insulted Walter because of the colour of his skin. He then signed for Northampton Town FC in 1911, before enlisting to fight in WW1.


He was also the first black officer in the British army to lead white British soldiers into battle in WW1. In March 1918, Tull was killed in combat while leading an attack on German trenches. He was only 29.


Walter Tull ridiculed the barriers of ignorance that tried to deny people of colour equality.


A remarkable and inspirational man.


RIP Walter Tull.


Week Beginning 2nd October 2023


This week Year 1 has learnt how to measure length in centimetres. The trickiest part was to know which side of the ruler to use when measuring an object in centimetres. If you have a ruler at home, please encourage your child to measure objects.

We are also consolidating numbers and colours in Spanish. Please remember that on 12th October we will celebrate Spanish Day, so you can bring your child dressed with the colours of Spain: red and yellow.

On Wednesday, we all went to church to find out more about the Sacrament of Baptism. Father Tony had a scavenger hunt prepared for both Years 1 and 2.


Have a great weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti and Miss Duncan

Spanish Theme Day

Dear parents/guardians,

On Thursday 12th October, we will be celebrating all things Spanish.

Throughout the day, children will be taking part in Spanish themed lessons and activities and will be having a delicious Spanish themed lunch.

I kindly ask if pupils can please come into school dressed in Spanish colours, such as red and yellow, or traditional Spanish clothing.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Mr. Coranti  

Week beginning 25th September 2023


This week has been an absolute pleasure.

In Maths, we counted on from any number as well as adding one and  subtracting one. 

In RE, we retold Matthew's 28:16-20 Gospel and the important job that Jesus gave His disciples. On top of that, we had class Worship Assemblies and reflected on our mission: Manners.

In History, we role-played different days of Queen Victoria.

And last but not least, we had so much fun during Music and RHSE. The lessons involved singing and dancing and the results were amazing.


Have a great weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti and Miss Duncan.

Week Beginning Monday 18th September 2023


This week in Math, Year 1 have been working on representing objects using numicon shapes and numbers. 

In English, we have been retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs, looking out for adjectives and then acting it out. It has been fun!!

In RE we learned about the Sacrament of Baptism. We also role played and conducted a ceremony of our own.

It has been a very productive week and we are very proud of you all.

Keep it up!!

Make sure you read and write each day at home and learn your spellings.

Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday!

Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning Monday 11th September 2023


Year 1 have been learning about the human body in Science. We labelled parts of the body such as knees, ears and ankles. We showed off our knowledge by playing a fun matching game. 

In Maths, we were sorting objects by shape, colour and size. To begin with, it was a little difficult but as the week progressed we were confidently sorting different objects.

Last but not least, the class were introduced to Mr. Fluff. One child will take Mr. Fluff home each week with his travel book. This is where you can show us all the fun and adventures you had with him.

We wish you all a great weekend and see you on Monday!

Week Beginning  Wednesday 6th September 2023


This week was the first week back and we have settled well. 

The children are getting used to the new classroom, the new rules and standards and I must say that they have started the year with the right foot.

These three days we got to know each other and took part in lots of activities. 

Here some pictures of their work in Maths.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti