Our Mission, Our Vision & Our Aims
Mission Statement
‘Growing together in faith, hope and courage - we inspire each other learning to continue Christ’s mission’.
Our Vision
Our vision is to ensure that every child at this school is provided with the best opportunities to be successful citizens of the future through an excellent education with access to the best teaching, curriculum resources and learning environment possible.
We aim to provide an enriched, exciting global curriculum to encourage independent thinking and encompass teaching about a wide variety of cultures and faiths.
As a Catholic School, we provide pupils with principles and teaching of the Catholic Church. We promote key Christian values and virtues of honesty, endurance, hope, courage, empathy, self- esteem, self-control and humility to strengthen their understanding of common good and positive societal values.
We aim to support every child to achieve their full potential and leave the school prepared to meet the challenges of the next phase of their education and future career.
Our Aims
We aim to achieve this by:
- celebrating the uniqueness of all pupils and staff
- developing the full potential of every child according to their varying needs and abilities
- providing an exciting, creative and stimulating learning environment to motivate our pupils to achieve their best while at school and to continue as independent learners
- ensuring all teaching is of the highest quality and is reviewed rigorously to be “best quality first teaching” by pupils as well as leadership
- maintaining a Christian community in which the teachings of the Catholic Church and the key Christian values provide a deep sense of their purpose to pupils, parents and staff
- embedding a fair and just ethos where all know they are equal and where equal respect is given to all people, cultures and religions.
- continuing to strengthen links with our families, our parish and local community, and our world.
- providing opportunities for pupils to link with other schools and businesses to expand their life experience.