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Our Lady of Lourdes  Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Growing together in faith, hope and courage, we inspire each other, learning to continue Christ’s Mission.

St. Peter- Year 1

Week 5 February 7th 2025

Another great week with our Year 1s! This week we explored primary colours with paint. We predicted secondary colours that can be made when mixing primary colours. This week we explored camouflage animals in the playground. Teachers hid animals around the playground and students needed to find the animals and explain if it was camouflaged!


Have an amazing weekend!

Miss D’Souza

Welcome to Spring Term


Welcome to another fantastic term in Year 1. 


We have lots of amazing learning ready for the term ahead and we hope that we can bring the best of your child, learn a lot and have fun.


If there are any concerns or queries please don't hesitate to contact the office. 


Kindest regards,

Miss D'Souza

Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope


To coincide with Pope Francis' Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope Year, Year 1 have chosen to raise awareness for Great Ormand Street Hospital Charity.

Year 1 have supported this charity to support children with cancer and other illnesses.

Fourth Week of Spring Term 1 


This week our amazing year 1’s created digital art in the style of Rothko on thier iPads! We discussed the colours chosen as well as the different shapes used to create the art. Some of us came up with different ideas of what our art looked like!


Have an amazing weekend!

Miss D’Souza

Maths Week!


This week was all about Maths! We set up different stations and rotated around playing numbers up to 20 games! We made patterns, played board games and represented some of our skills at different stations. Thank you for those who came out!



Week Beginning 13th January 2025


This week we worked on descriptive writing in English. We described The Wild Things and discussed verbs, nouns, adjectives and superlatives.


In Maths, we explored numbers to 20 on a number line and we have been comparing numbers using less than, greater than or equal to.


In History, using our knowledge of castles from last week, in groups, we built castles using Lego and presented the structure of a castle: battlements, moat, barbican, portcullis, arrow loops, towers, bailey etc.


In PSHE, we looked at different scenarios in which we would need to call 999.


Have a nice weekend everyone!!


Miss D'Souza and Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 8th January 2025


On Wednesday, Year 1 read the book "Our Class Is A Family" and we discussed what it means to be a class family. We then drew ourselves in our sketchbooks.


In English, we began a new book called "Where The Wild Things Are". We used certain objects from the book to make our own predictions and we explored, learnt and used new vocabulary from the Vehicle Text. We had so much fun playing the game in pairs!


On Thursday for History, we learnt about the different features of a castle and their purpose.


Keep reading at home and have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Ms. D'Souza and Mr. Coranti

Welcome to Year 1!


Hello and welcome to all our wonderful children, parents and carers!

My name is Mr. Coranti and I am excited to be working alongside Miss Duncan, Mr. Nixon, Mr. Reid and Miss Casino. 


Please keep an eye on this space as I will be updating it weekly with your child's learning pictures, activities and useful information.


We look forward to an amazing year ahead filled with joy, lots of learning and new adventures!


Warm regards,


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 16th December 2024


Last week before Christmas, we have been decorating our classroom, doing some fun Christmas activities, we enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch on Tuesday and had a visit from Father Christmas.


We have also completed the Geography and Science assessments.


Your child was given Christmas Homework - Maths and English. Please return them completed on Wednesday the 8th January 2025.


Keep reading please and Year 1 Team wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 9th December 2024


On Monday in RE, we acted out the story of Epiphany. We had fun!


In Maths, we have started with place value within 20. We are working on tens and ones and the number bonds within 20. You can let your child show you their knowledge by playing  'Hit The Button'. 


In English, we have finished our own story of 'The Something'.


Well done for your Nativity and have a great weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 2nd December 2024


On Monday in Maths, we worked on 2-D and 3-D shapes. Then we went out and we created our own patterns using sticks and leaves.


On Tuesday in English, we consolidated our knowledge of how to turn singular nouns into plural nouns if they ended in o, s, ss, sh, ch, z or x. Then we created our own sentences.


On Wednesday D&T, we improved our cutting skills. We created a few Christmas Decorations that you may want to put on your Christmas trees.


On Thursday in Maths, we consolidated adding and subtracting on a given number line.


Have a nice weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 25th November 2024


On Tuesday in PE, Year 1 worked on improving  the touch, control and passing of the football.


Wednesday was 'No Pen Day'.

In Maths, we assembled 3-D shapes. There were cones, pyramids, cubes and cuboids. It was a bit tricky but with help, we were able to create 3-D shapes.


In English, we learnt how to turn singular nouns into plurals. We observed that certain words ending in x, s, ss, z, sh or ch will add -es to make them plural. We gave different singular nouns to the children and they had to decide whether to go to -s or -es section.


In Science, we worked on the sense of hearing. 

First, Mr. Coranti shook two cups that were covered. We had to find out what was in them. Two students found out one of them, the other one was quite tricky.

Then, we sat one student in the middle of the carpet blindfolded. The rest who were sat in a circle had to pass a doll along. Whenever the child in the middle said, "Stop!" The person holding the doll had to use a strange voice and the child in the middle had to guess who that was. 

After that, we placed keys in the middle. A selected child would go and try to grab them but if the person in the middle heard anything, he or she would put the hand up and another child would have a go.


Wednesday turned out to be such a great and fun day!


Keep reading and enjoy your weekend!!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 18th November 2024


On Monday in RE, Year 1 acted out the story of Christmas. Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem to be counted, but they could not find a place to stay the night. Thankfully, a friendly innkeeper offered his stable and baby Jesus was born. On Thursday, we sequenced the story and the work of some was presented beautifully.


In Maths, we have mastered adding and subtracting on the number line. Some children were challenged with numbers up to 20 and successfully completed the tasks.


On Wednesday in Science, we learnt about the sense of hearing. Children had to hear different sounds and guess what they were. In D&T, children finished their Humpty Dumpty sliders.


Keep reading at home and enjoy your weekend!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 11th November 2024


On Wednesday in D&T we coloured Humpty Dumpty colouring sheets that will be turned into mechanisms next week.


Also on Wednesday in Science, we learnt the parts of the human eye, labelled them.


On Friday for Continents Day, we drew major landmarks of Europe, we labelled and matched flags and countries in the UK, we danced Macarena and we went on a Treasure Hunt in groups, which they loved.


Keep reading and enjoy your weekend!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 4th November 2024


Throughout the whole week in English, Year 1 has been working on using adjectives to describe nouns. We have been describing Trolls, Dragons and a picture full of nouns from the book we are working on, 'The Something'. 

Some of the children read their fabulous sentences to the rest of the class.


On Wednesday in D&T, we learnt about mechanisms and sliders. We cut, stuck, coloured and played with the car.


On Friday in Science, we explored our sense of smell. The class was divided into 5 groups and each group had 4 cups with different scents in them. Using our sense of smell, we had to guess what it was, whether we liked the smell or not and the type of smell.

We talked about our 5 senses and discuss favourite smells.


There is a 'Remembrance Day' homework and handwriting sheet for your child in their bags. Please bring them done on Monday and do not forget your 'Reading Records' and your Library Books.


Have a nice weekend everyone.


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 28th October 2024


First, I would like to say a huge thank you to those who brought their half-term homework, we created a Black History Month display that looks amazing!


On Monday in RE, we learnt about the story of 'The Annunciation'. We learnt that Angel Gabriel had an important message to give to Mary. Your child can tell you the rest. We then acted out the story and what was said.


On Wednesday in Maths, we went to the playground and worked in pairs adding leaves. There were extra points for those who could use sequencing words like first, then and now in their oral sentences. The competition was intense!


On Wednesday in Science, we also went outside. We created 5 groups and traced the body of the captain of the group with chalk. Then, as a team, they had to label the body parts.


On Thursday and Friday, we celebrated the 50th Birthday of Our Lady of Lourdes School. We saw Cardinal Vincent at church and the children were very excited.

We learnt about the story of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette and also created a fact file about Cardinal Vincent.

On Friday, we came to school dressed like in the 1980s, we talked about the clothes, toys and even listened to the music that was popular back then. We also created a 'chatterbox'. You can help your child write what they want inside it.


Keep doing your handwriting homework and reading at home. Please bring your library book back by Monday.


Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti and Mr. Nixon

Week Beginning 7th October 2024


Throughout the whole week, Year 1 has been consolidating the Part-Whole Model. We went outside on Monday and used 5 bean bags and hoops. Those bean bags that got in the hoop were one part, and the ones that were out the other. We then added the two parts and said the number sentence out loud. On Thursday, we used counters, cubes, rekenreks and beads to work out the fact families of 10. They loved it!


On Tuesday in Music, Year 1 sang a Bob Marley song to celebrate Black History Month.


In RE, we learnt and showed how to care for God's World. We each wrote two examples and then drew a picture.


Well done to those who are doing the homework everyday and bringing the Reading Records. Keep it up!


Have a nice weekend!


Mr. Coranti



Week Beginning 30th September 2024


This week in Maths, Year 1 has been comparing numbers, ordering numbers and objects. We also created a human number track from smallest to greatest and vice versa.


We are still working on our handwriting on a daily basis, in school and at home. Some children's handwriting is improving.


On Wednesday for Black History Month, we learnt about John Blanke, Tudor Royal Court Trumpeter. We then drew him in our Art lesson.


On Thursday we went to the library. Please remember to bring the books every week so that your child can swap them.


On Friday, we gathered in the Hall to listen to the advice of the Metropolitan Police and how to be safe while using public transport.


Keep reading and have a wonderful week!


Mr. Coranti

Week Beginning 23rd September 2024


This week Year 1 has been working on comparing numbers using less than, greater than and equal to. We had the classroom divided into different activities were they could demonstrate their knowledge and choose correctly when comparing numbers. We have also been working on our Maths books and learning to correct our mistakes with the green pen, as well as colour coding the LI green, orange or red (Traffic Lights).


On Tuesday, the children enjoyed their PE and Music lessons. In PE, they worked on their aim where they had to place the beanbags inside the hoops, amongst other activities.

Please do not forget their PE kits on Tuesdays.

In Music, they sang some songs and played some instruments.


On Wednesday in Art, we worked on our listening and concentration skills. We followed the instructions step by step to create a Minion. I must say that when children do listen and focus, they can produce amazing pieces of work.


On top of that, thank you to all the children who are bringing their handwriting sheets every day alongside their Reading Records. The Reading Records need to be filled with a comment about how your child read and need to be brought in every day.


Have a fantastic weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti and Mr. Nixon

Week Beginning 16th September 2024


Year 1 has been doing amazing in Maths. We have been working on 1 more and 1 less within 10, we have ordered numicons from the biggest number to the smallest, we have been grouping and sorting different objects and enjoyed practical Maths lessons outside in the KS1 Playground.


On Wednesday in Art, we worked on our concentration and following instructions by following the steps to draw Bluey. The work looked amazing!!


On Thursday, we learnt about Online Safety and how to keep ourselves safe. We then created different posters that will be displayed on our Online Safety display.


On Monday, your child will go home with a Reading Record and a book. Please make sure you read with your child every day for about 5-10 minutes and write a comment about their reading. By doing so, you will be helping your child improve his/her reading skills and we will be able to see some progress.

The Reading Record must be brought to school every day, as well as their handwriting sheet.


Have a nice weekend everyone!


Mr. Coranti and Mr. Nixon

Week beginning 9th September 2024


On Monday, we started our week with Spanish and we learnt some colours and numbers. We will consolidate them in the next few weeks.


On Thursday in Maths, we divided our classroom and went outside to look for some objects to make collections to 10/20 and then sort them into different categories.


On Friday, we had our first spelling test. Well done to those who tried to learn them! 

We also learnt how to navigate the 'Busy Things' platform and used the high frequency activity to revise our knowledge of these words.


Keep reading please and enjoy your weekend everyone!!


Mr. Coranti and Mr. Nixon 


Week Beginning 4th September 2024


Children have settled well in Year 1 in their first week!


We have set the expectations and standards for Year 1 and I am happy to say we are doing our best to follow them.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone and see you on Monday!


Mr. Coranti