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Our Lady of Lourdes  Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Growing together in faith, hope and courage, we inspire each other, learning to continue Christ’s Mission.

St. Luke-Year 5

Welcome to Spring Year 5. This term we will be carrying out lots of fun activities. To start the term off we will be visiting the Royal Opera House, then we have World book day and a class assembly.  In between we will be learning about The Benin for History, Life Cycles for Science and Galilee to Jerusalem for RE. With Easter approaching, there will be plenty of opportunities for the children to visit the church and be creative. 


I am looking forward to another fun journey with you all this term. 

Miss Bhudia         

Week beginning 7.01.2025. This week the children started Spring 1. To activate their prior knowledge for RE, the children worked in pairs to identify the 10 commandments, write their definition and identified how they can show the commandments. On Wednesday 7th, the whole of KS2 attended the Royal Opera House to watch the performance of Hansel and Gretel. The children really enjoyed themselves and were extremely well behaved. I am super proud of each and every one of them.

Welcome to Year 5


A warm welcome to all our Year 5 pupils and families. As a new teacher at the school, I look forward to meeting you all and I promise to encourage, respect and work as a team with you. We have many excited trips planned for this year along with creative and inspiring activities to help develop, build and secure your understanding and knowledge.


If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will always do our best to help.


Best wishes, 

Miss Bhudia



Week beginning 16.12.24. This week Year 5 investigated the relationship between a shape and the amount of water resistance it experiences. We also enjoyed a delicious, festive Christmas lunch as a class.

Week beginning 9.12.24. This week year 5 attended the church where they performed in the Christmas Carols. They sang carols with the whole of KS2 but they also sang We three kings beautifully as a class. During Science the children investigated friction on different surfaces. Finally for DT the children made their own pasta sauce using onions, garlic, herbs, salt and pepper. The children chose the ingredients they wanted to use and went into the kitchen with Miss Kwai and cooked their sauce on the hob. The smells of the flavour attracted many of the school staff.

Week Beginning 2.12.24. This week the Year 5 children took part in a road watch workshop. During this workshop the children were able to use speed cameras on Hill side road to catch speeding cars. The children also tasted two different types of Bolognese sauces for their DT lesson. They were able to explain which sauce they preferred and why.

Week beginning 25.11.24. This week as a school we had no pens day on Wednesday 27th November. In Year 5 the children played various Maths games which focused on recalling taught knowledge. For English the children worked in pairs and focused on the importance of oracy. One child in the pair had to describe an image using figurative language and the other child had to recreate the image based on the information they were told.

Week beginning 18.11.24. This week for Science Year 5 tested the affect of air resistance. The children had 2 different size cupcake case and they carried out a fair test to investigate whether size affects how fast an item drops. The children also had two police officers this week to educate them about the dangers of county line.

Week beginning 11.11.24. This week the children went on a trip to the Theatre to watch Matilda. They also had a NSPCC workshop to teach them about saying no and staying safe. On Friday, the school held Continents day. For this, Year 5 did work around the Continent of South America. They created the Continent out of clay, then painted the different countries in the Continent on along with using tissue paper to create the physical features such as mountains, lakes and rivers. Another activity the children did was to understand the affects of deforestation and the importance of the Amazon rainforest. The children used either google slides, scratch or FlipaClipa to create an animation to show a healthy rainforest turning going through deforestation and finally human features being built in the site of the rainforest.

Week Beginning 4.11.24. This week the children used an atlas to locate physical features in South America. They were also able to use an 8 point compass to help them be specific about the physical features location. For Art the children used printing inks and rollers to print their drawings of buildings. In Science the children used balls to test the theory of gravity and force. Finally for Remembrance day the children were drawing and creating images to represent the fallen soldiers.

Week beginning 28.10.24. Year 5 spent 2 days celebrating Our Lady of Lourdes 50th Birthday. On the first day the children created an Art piece of Bernadette and Mary using water colours and tissue paper. On the second day, Year 5 worked in groups to create their own song, the children then performed in front of some judges as we recreated the famous singing show X factor which created the well known boy band in 2010 (a decade we focused on).

Week beginning 14.10.24. This week Year 5 used place value counters to add and subtract numbers up to 6 digits. The children also created a spider diagram to help them learn about St Hadrain for Black History Month. Year 5 spent Friday 18th October learning about and celebrating St Luke for their Year 5 feast day.

Week beginning 7.10.24. This week year 5 have researched a Black Scientist and created a poster to share knowledge for Black History Month.

Week beginning 30.9.24. This week year 5 pretend to be the Sun and Earth to help them understand how day and night is created. Using a torch, the children worked in pairs and demonstrated how the Earth orbits the Sun. In RE, the children did a hot seat activity where 1 child acted as Abraham and 1 child acted as Sarah from the Abraham and Sarah story. The rest of the class had an opportunity to ask questions about certain parts of the story. In Art we focused on a black artist called Jean - Michal and we were inspired by his crown portraits and started to design our own.

In the week beginning 23.9.24, Year 5 used manupilatives to help find 10, 100, 1000 and 100000 more than a number. In Art the children used observational skills to sketch a building. For computing the Year 5 children became game developers and planned their own game.

Week beginning 16.9.24. Year 5 have had an exciting week. This week the children visited the British Museum to learn more about their History topic of Vikings, they had a fire safety workshop in school along with creating their own moon art work for English and on Monday they enjoyed their weekly Music lessons.

First Week Activities

Week beginning 9th September. The children had fun using concrete resources in Maths and create an Art piece based on our Science topic.