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Our Lady of Lourdes  Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Growing together in faith, hope and courage, we inspire each other, learning to continue Christ’s Mission.

St. Mark - Y4

April 2023

Welcome to the Summer Term! 

It is the final term of Year 4 before you go into Year 5! 

I am looking forward to seeing you all grow and develop. I will be updating this page weekly to showcase all our fun learning that takes place. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 



Mr Allen 


Friday afternoon

As we could not attend St James' Park.

We enjoyed our picnic in the outdoor classroom. 

Geography - Time zones in South America

Caritas in Action

In RE, we spoke about the gifts that each one has and which ones they feel are the most important to them. 

We had a fantastic session with Middlesex Crickets, we were put into groups of bowlers and fielders. 

Health and Safely Workshop

Our last talk was from Priya, who spoke to us about Health and Safely in workplaces. 

This morning, we met a Youth worker, Cardiologist and Dentist Researcher.

Before lunch, we made models of ourselves in our future careers. 


Careers Week - Day 4

Today, we had the pleasure of meeting Dr Joan St. John,(GP Researcher for Diabetes Africa) who has been a GP for 40 years! 
We enjoyed welcoming Dr Joan into our classroom. We learnt a lot about her experience and what inspired Dr Joan to be a GP. We were shocked, to find out there are 50 types of doctors! 

We look forward to meeting again Dr Joan St.John. 


Careers Week - Day 3

We are having so much fun during Careers week!


We have created job adverts to recruit new employees!

We were so excited to see Fire fighters in our playground!

We had so much fun!!

In RE, we have been learning about the Ascension according to Matthew 28:16-20.

We enjoyed our task and our discussion about we engage with and utilise the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.

Careers Week - Day 2


Today, we met two Paramedics from Heathrow Airport. It was very informative and we learnt new things such as, the various methods of transport Paramedics use when there is an emergency and how to find your pulse.



Careers Week - Day 1

Our teachers, have been busy organising speak guests to come in and talk to us about their careers. 


The first guest speaker was Jamie from 'The Wag Club'. Jamie and his team work hard to provide Doggy day care to dogs, grooming and a puppy package.

Stay tuned to read our diary entry...


In the afternoon, we discussed our ideal careers. Then, we created a ‘guess what career’ game and read our clues to the class. 

Careers Week

We will be having a fun week, where where we will be exploring their aspirations and dreams, it is also an important week to promote the idea of having a good career. 


Inspired by the Rainforest! 

While listening to the Rainforest sounds, we were able to sketch objects of the Rainforest.


In Literacy, we are planning to write a persuasive letter to David Walliams. Before the end of our lessons, we shared our writing examples to the rest of the class. 


In Art, we created posters to explain the importance of reading.


In RE, we performed the resurrection of Jesus through drama. As a class we read Matthew 28:1-10 and discussed the resurrection before creating role plays in our groups. This was an exciting task and we will be using role play more of our lessons.

King Charles' Collage

To end our Coronation activities, we created a collage portrait template of King Charles.

Did you know... An Organist plays music with their feet? 

We did not know either.

We had an enjoyable music lesson today, we created a mind mapped and discussed other instruments which can be played with your feet. 

We were mesmerized while listening to Anna Lapwood - Chevaliers De Sangreal (From "The Da Vinci Code")

Our task was to draw a picture as we listened to the music.

Coronation Class Party

After our tasks, Miss Austin arranged a class party for us. We enjoyed the selection of biscuits and crisps.

Royal Dress Up Day Activities


After Break, we completed two fun activities one was researching facts about King Charles and the other was 

The Coronation of King Charles III - Would You Rather?

We found this activity fun as we got to discuss what they would rather do in various situations when given two options.

Royal Dress Up Day

This morning we created Royal coins for King Charles. Before break, we practiced the Coronation song.

Portraits of King Charles 


Our task was to draw portraits of King Charles. We enjoyed this task and can not wait to finish colouring them in. 

Coronation Week 


We had a great start to our Coronation Week activities. 

Our first task was to find the matching fact about King Charles. Followed by a quiz. Well done to the children who got all the answers correct! 

During our Science lesson, we were learning about the different features of leaves. We then went outside to search for different types of leaves in groups. We gathered our leaves together and created a classification key according to the leafs features.

The Feast of Saint Mark

Tuesday 25th April was St Mark’s Feast Day. 
Did you know… The Gospel according to Mark’ is the shortest of the gospels and is considered to be the first to be have written? 
We are planning our class liturgy based on St Mark. 



As part of our Caritas in action lesson, we went for a walk to Harlesden Station to research the local area. We noticed there was a large amount of litter and we discussed as a class what can we do to reduce the amount of litter in our local area. 

Some of us wrote ways to reduce the litter and others wrote a letter to Brent Council. 

St Mark's Feast Day

On Tuesday 25th April 2023. Please wear something white, red, purple or blue.



Holiday Brochure - Mexico

In Literacy, we are creating holiday brochures based on Mexico. We worked in pairs to find the shapes of a holiday brochure and then researched facts on Mexico.

We will be sharing a lot more work in the next few weeks.

We created our own versions of similes and shared shared our examples with the rest of the class. 

Learning by Questions

We have been using Learning by Questions to support our learning. We have enjoyed the online questions and are excited to use it!

In RE we discussed the stations of the cross and our task was to sketch and write each station. 



Every picture tells a story: The Last supper 


We discovered how Leonardo Da Vinci told the Easter story and evoked feeling in ‘The Last Supper’

In Art we created our own portraits of the Mayans. 

We have been learning about Circuits in Science. We learned about energy sources, energy loads, conductors and controllers. Using our resources we were able to light bulbs, run a motor, sound a buzzer and use a controller to decide when these should be on or off.

Our Class Assembly

Our Assembly was based on ’Resilience’ and how we have learnt to be resilient.

We enjoyed singing ‘I’m still standing’ by Elton John. 



Year 4s class assembly and 9:05am. Parents are welcome to attend.

Understanding the denial of Peter. We role played the scene of Peter outside of the courtyard. 

The Stations of the Cross

Today, it was Year 3 and 4s Station of the Cross with Father Tony.

The Stations of the Cross is a form of prayer traditionally in Lent. Each of the 14 stations retells part of Jesus' Passion ( his suffering and death) through images. 

We reflected on the images and discussed what we thought the images mean. 

World Book Day 2023

World Book Day 2023

We had an exciting day today. We took part in reading to children in Year 1, watched an online pantomime called 'The Incredible Story' and created our own open book reading collage. 

We enjoyed attending the Romans Workshop at Wembley Library. We learnt the reason why all romans civilians and soldiers wore tunics… The answer was because they needed to scare people! We learnt about that the  Contubernium was the smallest organised unit of soldiers in the Roman army and was composed by eight legionaries. 
Lastly, we learnt the Latin word  for ‘Dexter’ means right and ‘Sinister’ means left. 

In Maths, we have been been investigating how to measure the lengths of objects in the classroom. 

Maths - Investigating the lengths of objects in class

Our Class Virtues 


Faithfulness - You are loyal to your beliefs or to a person. You are reliable and have integrity. You are trustworthy. "His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:23)


Hospitality - You welcome a guest or a stranger and treat them as a friend. You are open to new guests and strangers, you listen to their story. You know that guests and strangers can open you to new ways of thinking and living. “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” (1 Peter 4:9)


Practical Wisdom/ Good Sense - You decide, based on what you know, what is the best thing to do. You take time to think about what you must do and ask other people about it. You reflect on what you know and have been told and then decide to do something which you think is best. “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:6)


Resilience - You accept that there will be difficulties in life. You see these as a challenge and are not discouraged. You search for your inner strengths and faith to get you through personal challenges. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6)



Humility - You don’t think you are more important than other people. You do what is good because it is good not to attract attention to yourself or to impress other people. You are happy to help and serve other people and you think that their needs are important. You know you will make mistakes but you are willing to learn from your mistakes. When you need help, you are not too proud to ask for help. “So he sat down, and called the Twelve and said to them, ’If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all.’” (Mark 9:33)



Cyber bullying posters

Cyber bullying


We discussed how we can prevent Cyber bullying and enjoyed creating posters. We have enjoyed Safer Internet day

Safer Internet Day Online Workshop

We participated in an online workshop using the Scratch website. It was a fun and interactive morning and the children enjoyed creating a project. 

January 2023

Happy New Year!


Welcome to the Spring Term!


I are looking forward to watching our class grow throughout the year. I will update this page weekly to show your brilliant work. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Miss Austin

'Still I rise'

In literacy, we are have been learning about Maya Angelou 'Still I rise'. Today, we listened to Miss Austin read the poem 'Still I rise' to us and gave us cut outs of the poem. Our task was to  worked into groups to rearrange the poem and establish the shape. ( using the keys ) We discussed what we thought the meaning of the poem was.

Attendance Ambassadors

Class Liturgy

We have appointed ambassadors to promote good behaviour, improve our attendance and punctuality and to complete uniforms checks on a daily basis. 

We are keen to improve on these areas.

The pink table planned and delivered a class liturgy.

We were happy to have Father Tony in the Chapel with us. 

Final Maths Week Lesson

When thing feel bad. 

In this lesson, children learnt how to recognise bullying and abuse. They created a role play to perform to our class. 

We have enjoyed Maths Week. We ended the week learning our timetables in pairs and testing each other. 

Maths - Day 3

During our Maths lesson we had to solve a Maths scrabble. We had to use the scrabble tiles to work out the total value of our names. Then we worked in our groups to solve the questions. 
Secondly, we completed a task called ‘What’s my number’ we followed the clues to figure out the number in the maths riddle. 


We had an excellent morning with Chef Darren. We enjoyed preparing a Thai - Indonesian red curry. 
The ingredients we used were: 

Chicken breast




Coconut milk



Spring Onion 


Red peppers

Yellow peppers 


We can’t wait to try this recipe at home! 

 We solved addition and multiplication puzzles and games. We worked in pairs to complete the activities.  

Second Maths Lesson


Our first lesson of the week was playing games and puzzles to help us remember our timetables. It was very interesting and children were able to explain their tasks. 


We identified our family circle and explained what good relationships are. Afterwards, we had to draw and label our family members. 

We have learnt what friendship qualities are and how we can be good friends to each other. 


L.I I can identify electrical appliances and the types of electricity they use. 


We had to identify electrical and non electrical appliances and discuss whether they use mains or battery power. It was interesting to sort appliances that we use in school and home into groups. 

We answered this question in groups and explained  our choices to the class. If  you had to order your top five electrical items, ( that we would struggle to live without) what would they be? 

We have started to learn about Electricity in Science. We enjoyed completing a task on ways to generate electricity. At the end of the task, we read our work to the class. 


Our Christmas lunch day is on Tuesday 13th December and children can wear their Christmas Jumpers instead of their school jumpers. 

Please note: Children must wear their trousers/pinafores/skirts 

The Travelling Crib


We enjoyed the Wintershall Travelling Crib experience. The advent travelling crib workshop was an amazing excellent introduction to the Nativity story.

On arrival, we gathered in a circle around the Advent Wreath Flags and was given a purple Pilgrim Bag and was told to collect items from each character.


We were accompanied by a Wintershall Guide and we met the characters from the Nativity story. There were five stages of the workshop and had the opportunity to meet the characters and hear their stories. 


Mary - we listened Mary’s ‘emotional journey’ as she prepares for the birth of her baby. (Matthew 1:18-25) Mary explained why she is making the journey and the challenges it will involve. We learnt that Mary will stay with her cousin Elizabeth. 

The Wise Man - we were shown gifts for baby Jesus and reflected on God’s plan for the future. (Matthew 2:1-12) The wise man explained the purpose of the journey and his reasons for following the star. He also explained the importance of the 3 gifts brought to Jesus. 

The Traveller and the donkey - the hardship of ordinary people travelling at the time of Jesus and the significance of the donkey in the bible. We heard an explanation of the Roman command for a ‘Census’, and the impact of all the people arriving to be registered in a small village like Bethlehem. (Luke 2:1-2)

Zechariah and the Angel - we were reminded of the importance of messages from God, in the bible and in our lives. Zechariah explained the importance of communicating messages in different ways. We heard that his son was born through the angel. The baby is John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin and the last of the prophets to prepare us for the arrival of Jesus.

Freeze frames in Literacy

In Literacy, we demonstrated freeze frames to the class. We are reading a book called Float by Daniel Miyares, a story about a little boy and his paper boat playing outside in the cold and rain. 

We had to create demonstrate actions of the boy feeling dejected. 


Class worship

Our class worship took place in our new Chapel. 



Parents’  Evening is on Tuesday 22nd November 2022! Please remember to book your appointment. 

Thank you 

Mission Statement Performance

Still image for this video
As a class, we created a song and dance based on our new Mission Statement

Digital leaders presentation

We enjoyed listening and learning about ways to be kind online. This presentation was presented by the Digital Leaders. 

Hello and Welcome to Year 4


My name is Miss Austin and I will be teaching Year 4 alongside Mr Reid. We look forward to watching all the children progress and grow throughout the year. Check out this page weekly to see photo updates of all the fun learning taking place. 


Please see below a link to the Year 4 Curriculum outlining all the exciting learning opportunities your child will experience this academic year.


Please join us for our Curriculum Expectations Evening on Wednesday 14th September at 3.45pm.  The meeting will be held in our classroom.


Recommended Reading List

Above is a recommended reading list for year 4. I hope you enjoy reading these books!

Our Trip To The Jewish Museum

In their Religious Education lessons the children of are learning about Judaism.

As part of their learning they visited the Jewish Museum in Camden on Wednesday.

They had a fun day out looking at all the Jewish religious artefacts at the museum, including the 'Torah' (the five books of Moses - the Hebrew bible); the 'Menorah' (a sacred candelabrum with seven branches) and a 'Yad' (which in Hebrew means 'hand' - an object used by the reader as a pointer when reading the Torah).

The children tried on a number of Jewish religious clothing  such as a 'Tallit' - a prayer shawl traditionally worn during morning prayer services, festivals and on the Sabbath and a 'Kippah' a head covering cap worn by Jewish males.

All the children enjoyed watching a video demonstrating how to write in Hebrew and learning how to write their names in Hebrew.

The day was rounded off with the children learning how to make small ceremonial candles that they took away as mementos of their day and visit to the museum.

All in all a most enjoyable and educational day out for everyone - staff included!


Friday 21st October is Culture Day. Children can wear their cultural colours and outfits. 

As part of Black History month, Year 4 are reading the book “Windrush
Child” by the British author and dub poet Benjamin Zephaniah. The book is about
the voyage of the Empire Windrush ship from the Caribbean to Britain in 1948
from a child’s perspective as one of the travellers on board.

One of the islands in the Caribbean that the Empire Windrush
departed from was Jamaica, we decided to have a Jamaica day today, where we
learnt many facts about the island. Its history, people (including famous ones),
culture and ‘Patois’ language….”likkle more” (later).

Year 4 children all came to school dressed in the colours of
the Jamaican flag, black, gold and green. The children drew the Jamaican flag
as part of our art lesson and had some Jamaican delicacies in the afternoon
such as ‘Jerk chicken’, ‘bun and cheese’, ‘dumplings’ and ‘Bulla cake’. 

Year 4 really enjoyed Jamaica Day.

Black History Month - Literacy

As part of Black History Month, we have started to read "Windrush Child" written by Benjamin Zephaniah. To support our understanding of the story, we looked at a range of photographs and predicted what we thought they were about. 

 We learnt about Roy Hackett MBE who was a Jamaican civil rights campaigner. We enjoyed designing posters and we were excited to hear Roy’s granddaughter and great grandchildren attended our school. 

This week, we have enjoyed reading the Windrush Child and we have created our own poems.


In Maths, we enjoyed working in pairs to complete a problem solving task. Each numbered sphere would then sit on three underneath and the whole thing would end up being a triangular based pyramid.

Paying tribute to the Queen

We have been paying tribute to the Queen. We had the opportunity to draw portraits of the Queen or write a letter to King Charles III.

Our Hopes For The New Year

In Wellbeing, we set our personal goals for the new school year.