St. Bernadette- Reception
Hello Parents and Carers,
My name is Miss Clarke and I have the pleasure of teaching the beautiful Reception Class this year. With the help of Miss Conway and Miss S, we will help your children grow and thrive throughout the year.
This page will be updated each week throughout our learning journey so please keep an eye out for our posts!
We can't wait to see what this year brings us!
Thank you,
Miss Clarke
Reception Long Term Planning
Dear Parents and Carers,
This year we will be using the Early Learning Goals framework to inform the learning taking place in the classroom. The topics for each term reflect chosen texts and learning goals that will be assessed.
The yearly plan has been uploaded here for you to refer to throughout the year.
Thank you,
Miss Clarke
Reception Timetable - Autumn 1
We Love Reception!
What a busy week in Reception!
This week we learnt about the letters "m" and "a"! We worked on our letter formation my finger painting the letters and now they are displayed on our phonics wall.
We celebrated our first birthday of the year and played some math games with each other. Miss Clarke was so impressed with the teamwork and sharing skills that she saw throughout the week!
Our First Week of Reception
Well we had the best first week of Reception! It was full of fun and excitement as we settled ourselves into the routines and transitions at Our Lady of Lourdes! We shared our special items that we chose over the summer holidays and got to know each other. Spiderman even came for a visit! Can't wait to see what next week brings.