At Our Lady of Lourdes, we believe that equipping our children with both scientific knowledge and skills is key to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. As a core subject in the primary curriculum, science teaching and learning is given the importance it deserves.
Our carefully designed science curriculum is intended to spark our pupils’ curiosity in the world around them and help them develop skills in science as a process of enquiry. We have personalised the science curriculum to the children that attend Our Lady of Lourdes and created inbuilt opportunities within the curriculum to increase our children’s understanding of possible career options opened up by an interest and understanding of science. By the time children leave Our Lady of Lourdes, they should be equipped with the scientific knowledge outlined in the National Curriculum in biology, chemistry and physics, have a deep understanding of what it means to work scientifically and be able to communicate their findings across a range of different methods including ICT, graphs and charts. However, perhaps most fundamentally, we aim for all our children to leave with a passion for and enjoyment of science.
At Our Lady of Lourdes, we follow the scientific knowledge and skills progression laid out in the National Curriculum. Each unit of science at always contains a clear progression of knowledge and, across the course of the year, all working scientifically skills will be covered. The majority of lessons will feature a hands-on science experiment to consolidate the learning intention of the lesson and to ensure all children are actively engaged. We adapt our lessons carefully for our children with SEND to ensure that all children can access their learning. For the more able children, each lesson provides an opportunity to showcase their deeper understanding through a greater depth challenge. At the end of each unit, children’s understanding of the unit is assessed to ensure that children are constantly moved forward with their learning. In all lessons, key scientific vocabulary is embedded and children are actively encouraged to use it in their spoken language and written work. Across the course of the year, each class will have access to either a trip or a workshop directly related to one or more of their science units in order to increase their understanding that science is vital in our day to day lives.
Science Links