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Our Lady of Lourdes  Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Growing together in faith, hope and courage, we inspire each other, learning to continue Christ’s Mission.

St. Paul- Year 2

Welcome to Spring Term


Welcome to another fantastic term in Year 2. 


Miss John and I have lots of amazing learning ready for the term ahead. 

We look forward to all our amazing opportunities to work together. 


If there are any concerns or queries please don't hesitate to contact the office. 


Kindest regards,

Miss Dennis

First Week of Spring Term 2


This week was a busy week as we began our new topics in science and geography. In science we began to look at flowering and non-flowering plants, working together to look at their characteristics to sort them. In geography we began learning about mountains by identifying the different features of a mountain. 

Fifth Week of Spring Term 1


This week was ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ and we spent this week talking about our mental health, who we are and who we will become.

Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope


To coincide with Pope Francis' Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope Year, Year 2 have chosen to raise awareness for the BBC's Children in Need.

After some research, one member of our class proposed this charity as one to support and with a vote the class agreed.  

Fourth Week of Spring Term 1


This week we began to look at reliable and unreliable sources. We started by playing a game of whispers to show that a message degrades the more people that try to pass it on. We also looked at different sources that tell us about the Great Fire of London. We have also started with a plank every English lesson to help strengthen our cores and build stamina for writing.

Third Week of Spring Term 1


This week was all about Maths. We focused a lot on our topic of money but the best part of our week was when some of parents and families were able to join us for different maths activities. We made patterns, played board games and finessed some of our skills at the different stations. Thank you so much to all the grown-ups that came along. 

Second Week of Spring Term 1


This week Year 2 have been recreating the Baptism of Jesus through art, they used tissue paper to create the River Jordan and the bright light that came from the sky. In science we continued looking at how we know things were living, dead or never alive and came up with actions to help us remember the acronym MRS GREN. We also began trying to make different textures with paint. 

First Week of Spring Term 1


In this very chilly first week, Year 2 did not let the cold bother them anyway. We braved the cold outside to complete some science and worked together to learn our new vocabulary. Learnt about money and how to make different values using coins and notes. We also began learning about colour blending. We have had a jam-packed week getting back into our learning.

Welcome to Year 2


A warm welcome to all our Year 2 pupils and families. I look forward to working with everyone this academic year. Year 2 is a big year as we are the leaders of Key Stage 1, and we will be setting the example for those in Year 1 and EYFS. 


Together with Ms John and I, Year 2 will learn and experience many amazing things through the year. 


If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will always do our best to help.


Best wishes, 

Miss Dennis

Eighth Week of Autumn Term 2


A few weeks ago Year 2 were given a box of chocolates. They were told that the box was theirs to do whatever they want with them. Year 2 voted to donate the chocolates to the children on the children's ward at the hospital. This week we made cards to go with them and Miss Dennis dropped the chocolates off. The nurses were very appreciative and assured us that the children will be too. 

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays!

Seventh Week of Autumn Term 2


This week has been sooooo busy as we continue our learning of food groups and 3D shapes. On Thursday we supported the Save the Children Charity and wore our Christmas jumpers. On Friday we completed our Nativity. Thank you so much to all our parents and families that joined us!

Sixth Week of Autumn Term 2


This week Year 2 learnt about lines of symmetry and how it needs to be a mirror image. To practise this we played the mirror game where we took turns to copy our partner. In science we learnt to use all our senses to analyse food by looking at, feeling, smelling and tasting different types of bread. 

Fifth Week of Autumn Term 2


This week we participated in 'No Pens Day' where we spent a day not writing anything down. We used only our words to express what we were feeling and thinking. We started the day with one of the most competitive games of bingo I have ever seen to work  on our number recognition, during English we had to reconstruct sentences to ensure we had all the components of a sentence before finishing our learning with mini pizzas which continued our learning in science about a balanced plate.

Forth Week of Autumn Term 2


This week in science, Year 2 put their knowledge of food groups to the test in their attempts to create a balanced meal in the form a salad. We had a blast learning new skills in the kitchen and having a snack after lunch. 

Third Week of Autumn Term 2


An absolutely massive week in Year 2! Starting on Monday with our trip to the Travelling Crib at Lambeth Castle. Year 2 were beautifully behaved as we walked around the grounds learning from the different people from the story of the Nativity. We worked together in science and completed amazing work through the week. We also had a visit from Buddy who taught us all about how we can stay safe before finishing off with Continents Day. Year 2 made maps, researched about physical and human features before finishing off the day with Indigenous Australian dot art. 

Second Week of Autumn Term 2


This week in geography we started looking at Oceania and all the countries that are present in the continent. In science we continued our learning of food groups and all the foods that make a healthy diet. In computing we looked at different games and the codes that create them. 

First Week of Autumn Term 2


On Thursday, we celebrated the anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School with a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Vincent. Two of our Year 2 pupils were kind enough to make a card to thank Cardinal Vincent for celebrating with us. They were able to present this to the Cardinal at Mass.

On Friday, we travelled back in time through music, movies and fashion. We looked at the trailers for some of the biggest movies of the time- Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, Back to the Future and Indiana Jones. We redesigned the posters, had a dance party and finished the day with a classic movie. 

Seventh Week of Autumn Term 1


Year 2 finished off the half term with a bang with their learning about the Stewart Era slave trade, demanding fair rights for all those who were treated poorly. We were lucky enough to be visited by the scouts who told us all about the amazing things they do. We finished it off with some science- putting our bend and twist forces to use to make some balloon creations. 

Sixth Week of Autumn Term 1


This week Year 2 continued their learning in Black History month by visiting the Unicorn Theatre to watch 'Anna Hibiscus' Song'. A lovely story set in Nigeria about sharing your happiness with others. Year 2 were so respectful of the actors while they were performing and had a blast joining in with the show. 

Fifth Week of Autumn Term 1


This week in science, Year 2 began their pursuit of knowledge into Black History Month by researching Granville T Woods who was a famous inventor. In Art Year 2 smashed out some observational drawing of some of our stuffed toys. 

Fourth Week of Autumn Term 1


Year 2 had a very busy day out as we explored the Tower of London! We visited the ravens, learned all about The Gunpowder Plot, saw the Crown Jewels, and finally entered the White Tower where we saw a dragon and played as knights! A very big day out indeed! A massive thank you to our parents that came along for the adventure!

Third Week of Autumn Term 1


This week, Year 2 were so lucky to be visited by a real firefighter! We learnt all about what it takes to be a firefighter, how quickly they will get to an emergency and how we can be safe at home. Year 2 were experts at finding all the hazards that could cause a fire in the home. Make sure you have a discussion with your child about your fire safety plan. 

Second Week of Autumn Term 1


This week was our first full week of learning and Year 2 smashed it! Diving head first into our maths learning with different activites, we mixed history and art together by beginning some fireworks creations (wait for the finished product next week!) and we began our science unit by exploring different materials and how we can change them.  

First Week of Autumn Term 1


This week Year 2 did many amazing things. We studied chemical reactions in science and at the same time we found out which table we belonged to based on the colours that erupted from the cauldron. On Thursday we re-visited a game from last term in maths and learned a couple more that we will use through the year to keep our number knowledge fresh. We also created some colourful rainbow clouds to share some facts about ourselves. A fantastic way to start the year.